SCARLETRED’s eHealth milestones featured in Austrian Newspaper “Der Standard”

The popular newspaper Der Standard features the recent milestones of SCARLETRED in the field of teledermatology. With these, SCARLETRED sets the benchmark for AI-Assisted Screening in telemedicine and radiation oncology.
The recent publication “The Mathematics of Erythema”, in collaboration with the radiation oncologist Dr. Richard Partl at the Landeskrankenhaus Graz, presents the results of over three years through AI-based machine learning. The software Scarletred®Vision encodes, quantifies, and standardizes images, thus serving as an efficient diagnostic aid for medical doctors to classify and detect radiation dermatitis at an early stage.
In the future, the software will be used to efficiently detect various dermatological diseases such as psoriasis or chronic wounds and to track their progress. Especially the field of medical and cosmetic injections and vaccinations and the associated injection site reactions (ISR) shows great potential in the medical and cosmetic industry due to their scalability and reproducibility. The goal is significant patient and cost relief in the global healthcare system.
The complete article can be found in the science section of Der Standard.
Read more press coverage of SCARLETRED on the finance domain Börse Express and as Austrian representatives at the EXPO in Dubai.